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You’re looking for a Leonberger dog.


 F.L.G. offers you its selection of available and unborn litters which meet the conditions laid down by the association for 

 authorizing  its distribution and publication, namely:

 - A litter declared and entered in the Book of French or foreign definitive pedigree origins.

 - Confirmed parents registered in the book of definitive French (LOF) or foreign pedigree origins. The file number allows for  

 verification with French Kennel services (insert a website link)

 - A dog breeding identified by a breeder number, a kennel’s name and, if applicable, a SIRET number. (Company registration /   

 Tax ID number)

 - Confirmed parents with a permanent French or foreign pedigree.

 - Parents tested for certain pathologies that is to say and imperatively:

 *Hips dysplasia (Required stage : A or B)

 *Elbow dysplasia (Required stage : 0 or SL)

 *Polyneuropathy- LPN1 (Allowed mating pair : LPN1 N/N x LPN1 N/N and LPN1 N/N x LPN1 D/N)

 *Poly neuropathy-LPN2 (Allowed mating pair : LPN2 N/N x LPN2 N/N)

 *LEMP (Allowed mating pair : LEMP N/N x LEMP N/N and LEMP N/N x LEMP D/N)


 Lexicon :

 LEMP (progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy)




 Additional tests can be performed. They are recommended and valued in the selection of the litter and its evaluation (score of 20).  This may include screening for conditions such as certain eye defects (cataract, glaucoma, and entropion), hypothyroidism and    

 certain cardiac pathologies.

These various elements are part of the desire to ensure effective transparency in the communication of information, particularly in the field of dog breeding and health. This is the concern of every serious and responsible breeder and this is the objective and purpose of the association France Leonberg Group.


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