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BREEDING PACT - F.L.G. - Quality +

It is proposed that you subscribe to a pact or agreement intended to promote breeding to improve the quality of puppies produced. This includes conducting pre-screening or health testing of brood stock prior to any breeding project.

It is also a matter of respecting a number of conditions in the conduct of its breeding. These are already laid down in the legal and regulatory provisions in force and which every farmer must respect. They are reinforced by conventional commitments, known as Quality +, presented in the pact submitted to you below.

Within the framework of this convention, the association undertakes to ensure the support and promotion of the listed dog kennels as well as the litters produced. And that’s on all the media she has. Notably on its website, general or specialized social networks, as well as any other online or print media.

Failure by the reference breeder to comply with the provisions agreed under a breeding pact - Quality +, will result, ipso facto, in the immediate suspension of the listing and the withdrawal of all communications from its breeding, promotions and other mailing lists where it could appear.

Repeated failure to comply with any of the agreed terms shall automatically result in the definitive termination of the agreement entered into.

Pact Agreement – F.L.G – Quality + - Provisions

1-        Comply with applicable legal and regulatory provisions for dog breeding.


Or at least justify:

• * infrastructure adapted to the management of its kennel in terms of facilities and space.

• * a certificate of ability for the possession of more than 10 dogs for breeding or a production greater than 2 annual litters.

• * a Siret number (Company registration / Tax ID number) if the above conditions are met.

• * a declaration in the French Book of Origins (LOF-Centrale Canine / French Kennel) of all litters and puppies produced.

• * Electronic chip identification of all produced puppies.

• * the first prescribed vaccination of all puppies.

• * the provision of the necessary certificates to the purchasers of puppies. That is to say the regulatory sales certificates, veterinary health certificate and transport for puppies aged at least eight (8) weeks.

• * the provision of a breeding advice notice.


2-         Registered breeder (Centrale Canine / French Kennel) and active member of the France Leonberg Group association


Or at least justify:

• * its membership in the France Leonberg Group (N°)… … ….

• * holding a kennel’s name…………………………………………………………….

• * to have produced at least one (1) litter in the 3 years preceding the request for referencing. No/ LOF declaration … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

• * from the communication to the association of the LEONBERGER breed stallions and licenses (names – N°-LOF) held at the breeding.

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• * Do not engage in conduct, comment or publication contrary to the respect due to individuals, other breeders and the F.L.G. Association.


3-         Comply with the recommendations made by the F.L.G. association on breeding and reproduction. Pact – Quality +.


Or at least commit to:


• * Reproduce only French or foreign brood stock with a complete and definitive pedigree. Either permanently enrolled in the LOF, or selected according to the procedures in force in clubs and countries outside France.

• * Reproduce only brood stock at least 18 months of age for males and 24 months for females with a genetic blueprint (DNA).

• * Do not breed a female more than once a year.

• * Do not breed brood stock older than eight (8) years except by insemination / semen collected or frozen from stallions older than eight (8) years of age or deceased.

• *Reproduce only brood stock identified for coxo-femoral dysplasia with stages A, B or C. In the latter two cases (stage B or C) the other brood stock used in reproduction must have stage A.

• * Reproduce only brood stock that has been identified for elbow dysplasia and has stage 0 or SL. In the latter case (SL) the other breeding brood stock must have a stage 0 justification.

• * Reproduce only dogs identified for polyneuropathy (LPN-1 LPN-2): Required stage NN.

• * Reproduce only dogs identified for progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (LEMP): Required stage NN.


The breeder / kennel’s name … … … … … … … … … … ……… declares that it has taken note of the aforementioned provisions and agrees, through the subscription of the aforementioned pact, that the information provided may be the subject of the publications and dissemination proposed by the F.L.G. Association. The association reserves the right to refuse any request for referencing that would not appear to it in conformity with the spirit and provisions established in the Quality+ breeding pact.


Read and approved (handwritten)

Date and signature…………………………………………………………………………….



F.L.G. / Representative - ……………………………………………….

Agreement Registration Number

Date and signature………………………………………………………………………………



Referencing requests should be sent to M- Patrick VESIN

Contact… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …………


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